Letter Jacket Envelopes will almost always have your lowest price on custom-printed envelopes. Why? Because our envelopes are crummy? Heck no. We’re in the top tier of our industry. But we want to explain how that works, and give you a peek behind the scenes at our operations so you can see for yourself.
We Cut Costs, Not Corners: A Peek Inside the Custom-Printed Envelope Biz (with Videos!)
The reason we can offer the highest quality custom printing at the best cost is pretty simple. It doesn’t involve, for example, a lot of “discount”/not-really-discount price point loop-dee-loops. There aren’t hidden strategies at work here. We do offer free shipping on your first order, but that’s not to offset a cost we’ll hit you with elsewhere.
The secret is:
Your order costs less because we don’t outsource.
Letter Jacket is the designer and original manufacturer of all our custom-printed envelopes.
That’s right. We make the envelopes. So yeah, we know a thing or two about making them look right. We don’t work with a middle man. We make our own custom-printed envelopes, exactly to order, cutting your prices, keeping down the hassle, and maintaining tight quality control from start to finish.
When it comes to cost vs. quality, you really don’t have to choose. You can have your cake, and then you can eat that sucker.
Take a little walk through our production and see how we save you money and time.
We buy the paper by the roll.

See this big roll of paper? She’s a beaut, ain’t she? Looks like something straight out of The Flintstones. That’s how elemental we get with your envelopes. When you order with us, you tell us what you want, and our own hands guide the process from beginning to end, from everyday business envelopes to high-touch fundraising mailers.
Every envelope design starts with the raw materials, right down to the paper we buy in bulk. Why do we do it this way? Because we’re experts, and we want to ensure the best.
Because we work from the ground up to build your business, non-profit, or church envelope, this means that you have a lot of options and a lot of control over the final product. Look at the picture again. We’re literally starting with a blank slate. This keeps your printing options and ours wide open.
We own the machinery.
All the machinery used to make our custom-printed envelopes belongs to us, and we love doing business this way. Not only is it a lot of fun (and a little hypnotizing) to watch the envelopes go through their Pygmalion from plain paper to marketing staple, it means we’re just as invested as you are in a top quality product. We literally own the process.
This is yet another element in why we have a lot more control over the cost of your envelopes than other companies. Why pay someone to pay someone else to produce your envelope? If something goes wrong, they might be able to change your design, but they can’t minutely control the physical product like we can. Ultimately, they’re someone’s customer, too. We keep the whole thing homegrown and make it more cost effective to boot.
We work fast.
We also save you time! Production belongs to us, so turnaround is extra speedy. Because we cut the middle man (but never corners!), we can turn around your design in just a few days and have it to your door in a jiff.
We also employ an industry art uploader through our website, designed to shoot your idea directly our way so we can further streamline the design process. It makes uploading to our equipment easier for us and communicating your vision easier for you. Designing your custom-printed envelopes is a cinch.
We’ve got 100 Years of Experience.
We’re a 4th generation family-owned and operated envelope manufacturer. We know what we’re doing, and how to get it done for the best price, at the highest quality.
It’s all we do! It’s in our blood, serving and satisfying customers for generations. And we just plain love envelopes. We know what an effective marketing tool they can be and their enduring value for ROI. We bank on the effectiveness of other people’s clients opening a good piece of mail that we’ve helped create.
We don’t hide extra costs. (Because they’re not there.)
We’re not spring chickens at this, so we also know the business side. We know “free” isn’t always free when other envelope companies offer free shipping. Remember, that saved cost often comes out of your pocket somewhere else.
With Letter Jacket, what you see is what you get. We don’t have hidden costs because we don’t need them. It’s our clean, simple process that gets the job done and has kept us in business for 4 generations.
We’d love to get you on board! Check out our inventory or email your idea to us today!